Everyone aims to have a timely and proper sleep. People always want to sleep in relaxing and moderate environment. They want to spend time on that room where there is peace, privacy and comfortable environment. The environment may depend on several factors that include color of the room, furniture placed and scenery outside the room. However there are many hotels that offer some unique and interesting views where you can spend quality time. Here are some lists of hotels where you can have perfect sleep time.
- Igloo village at Hotel Kaksluattanen Finland
It is one of the famous hotels in Finland. This hotel is situated in a village area which is full of peace. There is no noise of vehicles and no pollution in this part of country. The hotel design is fabulous and it looks really nice. Spending time and having calm sleep in the hotel room is a dream for everyone.
- KarostasCietums in Latvia
This kind of room is design for the people who have to be punished for their wrong actions. This is a room of prisoners where they have to sleep together. There is no bed for anyone. Everyone has to sleep on the floor. This kind of sleeping room is design for the people who have to pay for their sins.
- A room design for sleep in sewage pipe
This is room which has designed for sleeping. This sewage pipe room is located in an open area of Austria. People mostly go to country side to spend their vacation and prefer such unique design rooms. The advantage of this sewage room is that you can carry it to your favorite place.
- Ice hotel in Sweden
This hotel is located in Sweden. The hotel is design in unique way as it gives look of ice hotelalthough the hotel was built by the glass. The area where hotel is located is covered with ice. Adventures people love to go to this hotel and spend their weekend in this hotel.
- Save beach hotel in Italy
This hotel is located in Italy. The hotel is located near to Tiber River. The place is very peaceful. This hotel is suitable for the people who want to relax and spend quality time in peaceful environment.
- Mirror cube hotel in Sweden
The hotel was built in the forest area of Sweden. The hotel is made up of glass. It is totally transparent;people can have great view of the hotel from outside and inside, they can either see what is happening outside the hotel. This is a unique hotel built on the trees.
- A hotel on the magic mountain in Chile
This hotel was built in a way that it looks like hotel on the mountain. They have used wood for construction of the hotel and water fall is something that brings a lot of people to this part of the country. People can see and enjoy the water fall from their windows.
- Holiday Inn hotel in New York City
The rooms in this hotel are very colorful. You can choose your room according to your favorite color. To sleep in a colorful room can give you feeling of joy and comfort.
- Propeller lodge in Germany
The rooms in this hotel are having a unique design. The beds are very comfortable you can sleep on these beds with comfort and ease.
- Baumhaus hotel in Germany
The hotel is a tree house. Youngster love to spend their vacations in this place as the place is very peaceful.
- Smukfest sleep hotel in Denmark
The rooms of this hotel are designed like a big can of beer. This is a unique hotel located in Denmark. This theme is very unique and people love to spend their time in this unique hotel.
- Dockside hotel in Netherlands
The hotel is located near sea view. This hotel is design in a way that you can see the whole view of the sea while sitting in your room.
- Resort hotel in Costa Rica
This hotel is on the top of the trees and the rooms in this hotel are very vast and this hotel is built in such a way that it looks like an aero plane about to fly.
- Crazy house hotel in Vietnam
The hotel is built by cutting a big tree from the top. They have followed a unique theme; the choice of place is really amazing if you are willing to spend time in this hotel.
- Pop up hotel in Wisconsin
The hotel is built in the center of the forest. The rooms in the hotel are really amazing. There are big windows; you can enjoy the weather while sitting in your room.
- Kokpelli hotel in New Mexico
The theme of the hotel is very unique. The rooms in the hotel are like rooms in the cave. The hotel is made up of soil.
- The dog bark hotel in Idaho
The hotel design in such a way that it looks like a dog is barking in an open place.
- The boot hotel in New Zealand
The hotel is perfect for the people who love to spend their vacations in country side.
- Silken hotel in Spain
The hotel is constructed in a unique theme as it gives the look of hotel made up of ice. The colorful rooms attract most of the people.
- Modanna hotel in California
The cave look of this hotel inspires people to spend time here. It is such a classy place to be in.
- La villa hotel in France
The rooms are made up of hamster’s cage. The hotel is built with bricks.
- Hotel ever land in France
The hotel is located in capital city of France “Paris”. This is one room hotel and you will certainly enjoy your time in this hotel. You can have a look of might Eiffel tower.